NAGMA HASAN, DECCAN CHRONICLE, HYDERABAD: Does the concept of PETA using women in bare minimum clothes work successfully in conveying the message to the people? Do these posters reach the masses and convey the right message considering a country like India where more than half the population is not educated?
DALE: If glamour provides a platform to PETA for getting its message across, then it’s fine. As long as the message is correctly conveyed, the glam and bold concepts are acceptable. It’s a simple PR principle. The purpose is catching public attention. Once that is achieved, it is easier to hammer in the message. Of course, it goes without saying that the advertising and marketing strategies should not cross cultural and ethical boundaries. If a poster uses glamorous concepts to convey a strong message and have the desired impact, then be it! After all, how many of us will even give a second glance to a poster showing patting an animal, with a message to avoid cruelty to animals. But everyone will notice with wide eyes, a poster which uses glamour to convey the same message. The very fact that we are having a discussion over this makes me believe that PETA has caught the attention of the public and the media alike. Half their battle is won.
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